Get the bad news as soon as it happens.
Respond to data breaches to contain the damage and prepare your team for fresh scams.
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Protecting 1,000,000+ employees in leading organizations.

One step ahead. Detect threats by scanning your digital footprint for breaches and info stealers in real time to defend your teams against new attacks.
Measure the impact. Get a clear breakdown of the nature and severity of each breach to understand the impact.
Alert your team. Notify employees as soon as a breach is detected, preparing them for a fresh wave of scams.
Privacy First. Empower your team to securely track breaches affecting their personal email addresses.
Clear analytics. Get actionable breach information and insights with our Advanced Analytics Dashboard.
Most frequent questions.
What is it?
Our Breaches feature gathers all the data leaks that have impacted your employees and classifies them according to the severity of the threat. Albert - your employees' cyber coach - informs them about these breaches, guiding them to take the necessary action by updating their login credentials and other information on the sites concerned.
Where does the data come from?
How is the employee informed of these data breaches?
What about personal data?

Breaches don’t wait.
And neither should you – try out our solution for free right now.
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